Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Twin Paradox of Emily in New Zealand: Part 2

Part 2...

New Zealand is renown for having 9 Great Walks, which require several days, kilometers, dedication, and blood blisters to get through.  I am proud to say I have completed my first of these, and am 1/3 of my way through getting to my goal of walking 3 of them (truthfully there’s 5 I hope to complete but my status as a full-time student makes this goal rather difficult to achieve). 

A little over a week ago, after 3 days and 60 kilometers of tramping, (and it actually turned out to be more than 60km since we did part of the walk twice), I completed the Kepler Great Walk, also popularly referred to as “The Walk Above the Clouds.”

I suppose the whole trip took off with an adventurous edge as I walked out of my flat Thursday morning with no bus, shuttle, or campsite booked.  Funny story, I decided to come on this 5-day excursion about six hours before I stepped out of my flat to catch the bus I had no ticket for. My friends, Jamie and J, had already made the plans to go, and J invited me along as we were studying the evening beforehand.  The decisions 8 hours of studying for a Marketing exam will lead you to make…

On a brighter note, the odds were in my favor as all methods of transportation and accommodation had availability, AND I even go a student discount on my bus ticket. 

A few fun facts about this trip…
  •  The 11-hour bus ride from Christchurch to Te Anau (where Kepler’s trailhead is located) is the longest bus ride one can take on the South Island of New Zealand
  • I had a 1500 word research paper I had barely even thought about due 2 days after I would get back.
  • I’d be missing 3 days of school, which is normally unheard of for a nerd like me
  • There was a forecast for rain and thunderstorms during the duration of this trip, which required a 5-hour walk under open sky at an abnormally high elevation.  I mean it is the “Walk Above the Clouds.” 

Upon arrival in Te Anau around 7PM Thursday night, we had no place to stay, and were not keen on paying the ridiculous cost of a room in a motel or hostel.  Given the $500 fine for pitching a tent on non-campsite ground, we slept on Earth’s bed of colda$$ grass next to the lake cuddled against our backpacks.  No worries, I was with my very physically fit friends Jamie and J so I was not that concerned about getting mobbed in the middle of the night.  The cold didn’t exactly allow for much deep sleep anyway. 

Early next morning, we took a shuttle to where we were camping that night.  We reached the campsite with an ample amount of time, so found trees to climb, streams to chase and fall into, caves to explore, and even decided to walk up to the top of the mountain in case of poor visibility the next day (due to the expected thunderstorms in the forecast).  So yea, we walked up the steepest part of the track two days in a row. 
Monkeying around HAHA..ha

"A fellowship of three"

I am actually very grateful we did this, or we would not have stumbled upon this rather “off the grids” cave that looked like it came straight from the Goonies.  It was quite stimulating to wonder about the last time a human stepped foot on its stunningly white rock, or dropped their iPhone from the crystal-like ledge we climbed onto (yea J did this).  I saw multiple magnificent views throughout this great walk, but the discovery of the cave and its mystifyingly beautiful depths hold a fond spot in my memories of the trip.   

(what am I looking at)
Dinner on the beach in the company of bratty sandflies was quite charming, especially when followed by sleeping in-between two smelly boys in a 1-2 person tent.  My writing is sarcastic and makes me sound like I hated a lot of this.  I loved all of this and it kept me very amused, so please don’t let my sarcasm confuse you. 

Woken up to Jay’s clever alarm, “I’m Wide Awake” by Katy Perry at 6:30AM, we were ready to face the proposed rain and thunderstorms ahead of us.  Before heading out, we also made friends with a girl from Sweden and two American guys studying at the Uni in Dunedin, located on the East Coast about 8 hours south of Christchurch, who travelled the remainder of the track with us.

Our plan was to beat out the rain during the climb up, but this did not happen.  If there’s one thing I’ve learned about New Zealand, is that its weather is harder to read than most girls.  While it rained in the beginnings of the early morning, it cleared up and turned out to be a lovey day in spite of the weather report.  It was rather cloudy, but walking alongside clouds, and breathing in REAL LIFE clouds is an experience very few get to partake in.  What does inhaling cloud feel like? Well, refreshing in the purest sense of the word.    

A quick shout out to the friends I’ve been travelling with during my time here – I love them for always being game to wander off the trail, climb random things along the way, and for making hiking so much more entertaining than it already is for me.  I’m overly grateful that I’ve found so many people with the sense of adventure and consistent “happy-go-lucky” attitude I love.  That being said, we of course went off the trail and climbed several random things throughout the second day of hiking.  This was along Kepler’s alpine segment of the trail, and consisted of lots of uphill, downhill, and fast-moving clouds revealing the beautiful mountain scenery notorious of New Zealand.  One of my favorite parts of the track was the saddle path that leads into the descent to the hut.  Maybe you can understand why…

Trying to be cool or something...
And just our luck, it didn’t begin to start downpouring until we hit the tree line during the descent.  I’d take 2 hours of hiking within the forest in the pouring rain over 5 hours under the open sky any day.  Hey, I even got a (well-needed) free shower out of the deal. 

Upon arrival at the hut, I walked in looking (and smelling) like a wet dog, and a cute mom-like woman immediately started fretting over me.  Since I’m somewhat stubborn and refused to pay money for a pack cover (which I now have in my possession due to this experience), the contents of my backpack AKA all my clothes, sleeping bag, towel,…everything was SOAKING WET.  Ha, live and learn. 

This was the only point in the trip where I was really unenthused about camping and being outside… mostly because I was soaking wet and was preparing myself to sleep in a tent in a flooded campsite under the non-stop rain.  

Welp, thank the tramping gods for our site Ranger, who somehow read my mind and brought in all the campers into the hut as we were about to go pitch the tent.  Never have I ever enjoyed warmth and walls and good-smelling food that was not mine more in my life.  That’s not an exaggeration. 

The next day’s tramp was fairly easy, minus the fact we underestimated how long it would take us to get to the shuttle leaving us to run for some of it (although the race against time definitely added more fun to the last day).  We ran into 3 Keas who looked like they wanted to peck our brains out (one even walked right up to Jay and his 7-foot wide shoulders), and travelled through the valley of the Park.

One of the Keas
Our hut Ranger claimed that the valley is actually his favorite part of the track.  While I was completely stunned by the alpine section and its incredible mountains, I see where the Ranger is coming from.  Every time we crossed over an open part of the valley, it seemed like we were entering a whole new forest with an eclectic new breed of trees.  “First, I walked through the 7 layers of the candy cane forest” (Buddy the Elf) kept popping into my head throughout these last 22km.  

The ferns, moss, and waterfalls are such underrated aspects of Kepler.  Perhaps, this is because they’re compared to some of the most breathtaking mountains in the world.  To be fair, it’s quite hard to compare the various beauties of New Zealand, as they’re all very unique in their own ways.    

Making excellent time given our poor time-planning that morning, we finished the track about 15 minutes before our shuttle picked us up.  Here I am about to sound corny, but the sense of satisfaction while rubbing my wonderful looking and smelling feet on the shuttle was overwhelming.  I FINISHED MY FIRST GREAT WALK WOOT WOOT. 

All three of us also splurged in satisfying our overpowering sugar cravings, and took one last tramp to the supermarket in Te Anau. 

How does one satisfy post-tramp food and beverage cravings? This is how:
(maybe its a good thing I can't read the nutrition labels here)

Not sure if the elder couple sharing the room in our hostel with us was disgusted or amused by this…probably mixed feelings of both. 

Given my excellent company of my animate and rather animated (ha) hiking buddies and the inanimate mountains and trees, I couldn’t have asked for a greater first Great Walk (ha again).  Sometimes it’s the spontaneous, somewhat risky decisions one is offered that can lead to the best experiences.  Ya know that saying that’s like “every opportunity not taken is an opportunity missed” or something? Yea... cliché but true.    

So ANYWAY, I will be embarking my second Great Walk along the coastal Abel Tasman Track in just a few days with my flat mate, Jena!  We’re both super awkward and annoying (to everyone but each other and ourselves) so let’s see if I make friends again on this one. 

Until then…

Keep Climbing,
Keep Happy,

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Twin Paradox of Emily in New Zealand: Part 1

 First things first… I will shamefully admit I haven’t updated my blog in over three weeks.  Here is my intelligent attempt at creating an explanation/excuse for this.

Let’s first learn some physics.

Twin Paradox
Noun, Physics
1. The apparent paradox arising from relativity theory that if one of a pair of twins makes a long journey at near the speed of light and then returns, he or she will have aged less than the twin who remans behind.

Emily Twin Paradox
Noun, Emily jargon
1. When Emily is really busy/lazy/traveling a lot/on YouTube a lot and needs a scientific explanation for why it seems like she's taken forever to update her blog.  

Since I’ve essentially been traveling at the speed of light, you just think I’ve been away from my blog for a really long time but in reality this is all in your head.   

Here's a few really spectacular events that have happened since “Kaikoura Kraziness”:
  1. My trip to Mount Cook/Lake Tekapo 
  2. I passed my first Science test I’ve taken since high school (I suck at most sciences) 
  3. I completed MY FIRST GREAT WALK on the gorgeous Kepler Track.
Part 1 of the Twin Paradox of Emily in New Zealand highlights my trip to Mount Cook, which consisted of a two night camping trip in the midst of New Zealand’s breathtaking Southern Alps.  While no one in my group actually climbed Mount Cook due to the fact it’s a Mountaineering trip, a bad@$$ named Freda Du Faur did in the early 20th century.

While many others have also accomplished this feat, and many others have unfortunately passed while attempting to accomplish this feat, Freda was the first woman to successfully make it to the summit of Mount Cook.  In a skirt. This is some intense climbing for even expert climbers with modern day gear and guides.  So quick shout to Freda for being everything I aspire to be. 

While exploring the Mount Cook National Park, my friends and I climbed the Mueller Hut Track.  This took us up 2200 steps of stairs (known as “the Stairway to Heaven” which made me even happier as a die-hard Led Zeppelin fanatic) and we were greeted afterwards by a lovely 75 degree-ish incline of fallen rock and terrain for the next 2 hours.   It was breathtaking in the most literal and figurative way possible (by that I mean my breath was taken away for multiple reasons, good and bad). 

After the bulk of this intense trek comes a ridge, and I may or may not have shed a quick tear as I crossed over this.  Not because of the pain finally hitting my body, but of things like this. 

(More pics of the Park and of Lake Tekpao can be found here)

Silly Emily was of course not satisfied with “the top”, and wanted to go to the next sort of “peak”.  
* Mom don’t read this * I can’t say I didn’t almost fall whilst scaling rocks and balancing the weight of my body and monstrous backpack, but I CAN say that I did not actually fall, and successfully made it to my destination.  Here I met one of the park rangers, who encouraged me to kiss a rock and add it to the pile of rocks kissed by other previous trampers.  I did so gladly. 

The alpine views I witnessed that day were far more than impressive, but I wish I was able to capture the beauty of the stars that night as well.  Unfortunately, iPhone and GoPro cameras were unable to achieve this. 

Highpoints of our last day in the Park included a final trek to the glacial pool that lies below Mount Cook.  I personally did nothing more than wade up to my sore calves in the pool, but a few of the more daring members of my group full out swam in this freezing lake.  The most daring thing I proceeded to do that day was attempt napping on an alpaca rug in a gift shop the bus stopped at… and then awkwardly got woken up/scolded at by the cashier who was trying to sell it to a paying customer. Hey, climbing mountains and stuff makes you tired. 

And to leave y’all with some words of wisdom, I compiled a list of Emily realizations you might find interesting or beneficial or something that I came across during this past trip. 

Practical things I learned:
  1.  Cuddling is good when it’s freezing  
  2. Invest in a proper sleeping bag and/or sleeping pad (both would be great) 
  3. Meals = peanut butter (I obviously don't mind this) 
  4. Don’t expect to sleep much while tent camping.  Adrenaline will get you through whatever you have to do the next day. 
  5. Don’t ask the bus driver any questions, stupid or relevant.  He will throw an unnecessary hissy fit.  
  6. Coming home to your wonderful flatmates makes you feel warm and tingly and yes I hate myself for sounding so corny but it’s true. 

Other things: 
  1. Mountains are deceiving…. AKA when you think you’re almost to the top it’s really just cause it’s a tall mountain and, well… you’re not almost to the top. 
  2. Take risks.  Walk on unmarked trails. Climb to the next ridge.  But don’t be (too) stupid.
  3. Stargazing with friends is one of those wonderful overlooked things in life.  And stargazing with yourself and your thoughts is one of those wonderful and even more overlooked things in life.   
  4. Ridges are cool because you can’t see over them.  And when you do, it’s often a pleasant surprise well worth climbing to the top for.  
  5. Kiss a rock at the summit. 
  6. Take your time and enjoy the view.  Hiking is not a race.  In the words of Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast.  If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” 

P.S. Stay tuned for Part 2 of the Twin Paradox of Emily in New Zealand! Also, I apologize for my poor quality of writing as I am also in the midst of writing midterm papers right now and am brain-fried.

Keep Happy,